BusinessWeek誌のAmazon CEOベソス氏へのインタビューが面白い。
オンディマンドでコンピューティング・サービスを提供する"Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)"、仮想ディスク容量提供の"Simple Storage Service (S3)"さらには、ウエブを介してマンパワーと結びつける"Amazon Mechanical Turk"。
ほんの一部だけB3 Annex意訳。
EC2のようなサービスを提供することで、より早く潜在的な競合会社を立ち上げさせ、ビジネスをできるようにしてしまっているのではないですか? アマゾンと直接競合しないまでも、優秀なエンジニアやプログラマーが自分でビジネスを始めてしまうことで、アマゾンで雇う機会を失っているのではないですか?
"By providing services such as EC2, aren't you enabling many more potential competitors by giving them these services to get a company up and running much faster? And even if they don't compete with Amazon, you could be losing the opportunity to hire great engineers and programmers who are doing their own company rather than joining"
( CEO Jeff Bezos )"I think you're right. But my point of view is if something is a good idea, it's going to happen. And so, you can fight it, or you can do it. We're just exposing the guts of Amazon. And people are going to take those things and they're going to do stuff that surprises us with those pieces that get pulled out and exposed. We're excited about that, and we think we can make money doing that."
( CEO Jeff Bezos )
from Online Extra: Amazon Wants to Run Your Business -Business Week
Jeff Bezos' Risky Bet - Business Week
Online Extra: Amazon Wants to Run Your Business -Business Week
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)