I’m excited to announce that we’re adopting the icon used in Firefox. John and Chris were very enthusiastic about allowing us (and anyone in the community) to use their icon. This isn’t the first time that we’ve worked with the Mozilla team to exchange ideas and encourage consistency between browsers, and we’re sure it won’t be the last.
( Microsoft Team RSS Blog : Icons: It’s still orange )
Now it’s our turn! By our, I mean web site designers, developers, bloggers… anyone who contributes to a website in any way. Do away with those disgusting orange buttons, start using “feed” for all kinds of syndication and drop one of these icons on your site. Oh… you don’t like orange? Dude, me neither! And this is where I do my part…
( Matt Brett » The New Standard Feed Icon )
Feed Icons - Help establish the new standard
#ということで、B3 Annexでも採用してみた。左下の方をチェック!