先週、アメリカのブログ界の一番の話題は、Steve JobsとBill Gatesの歴史的な共演だろう。
これは、Wall Street Journal主催のD5というイベントの中で実現したもので、WSJの名物コラムニストのWalt Mossberg氏らの質問にJobsとGatesが答えるという形のものだった。
(Photo Credit : AllThingD.com powered by smugmug.com)
Jobs at D5
"when Bill and I first met each other and worked together in the early
days, generally, we were both the youngest guys in the room, right?
Individually or together. (...)And now when we’re working at our respective
companies, (...) I’m the oldest guy in the room
most of the time."
Jobs at D5
"There’s a lot of things that happened that I’m
sure I could have done better when I was at a Apple the first time and
a lot of things that happened after I left that I thought were wrong
turns, but it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter and you kind of
got to let go of that stuff and we are where we are. So we tend to look
"one of the things I did when I got back to Apple 10
years ago was I gave the museum to Stanford (...)and said, let’s
stop looking backwards here. It’s all about what happens tomorrow.
(...)And so let’s go invent tomorrow rather than worrying
about what happened yesterday."
"We’re getting to the point where everything’s a computer in a different
form factor. So what, right? So what if it’s built with a computer
inside it? It doesn’t matter. It’s, 'what is it', 'how do you use it',' how does the consumer approach it'.. And so who cares what’s inside
it anymore?"
"what we want to do is be that consumer’s device and that consumer’s
experience wrapped around all this information and things we can
deliver to them in a wonderful user interface, in a coherent product."
Jobs at D5
"I think of most things in life as either a Bob Dylan or a Beatles song,
but there’s that one line in that one Beatles song, 'you and I have
memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.' And that’s
clearly true here."
Jobs at D5
これは、"Two of Us"というビートルズの曲からの引用。まさに戦いを終えた盟友という感じだ。
(文中の引用は、All Thing Dのトランスクリプトから。日本語訳はB3 Annexによる意訳)
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs | D5 | AllThingsD
TRANSCRIPT--Bill Gates and Steve Jobs at D5 AllThings D
D5 Galleries - powered by SmugMug
TOGETHER AT LAST / Tech rivals Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, on the same stage for the first time in decades, act just like old pals at digital conference -SFGate
Together again, tech rivals Jobs, Gates talk like old pals - San Jose Mercury News
For Jobs and Gates, a Night to Reminisce - New York Times
ついに! ゲイツ氏とジョブズ氏が夢のステージへ--D5会場レポート - CNET Japan
<追記 6月4日 PM 11:25>
SteveとBillの夢の共演は、iTunes StoreでPodcastとしてフルバージョンを無料提供中!
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates at D5 (iTunesで開く)